

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-09 8:21 a.m.

the legend of andy boo

musing over the bugged conversation (i seem to overthink much to much)...deeply disappointed that aoryn doesn't have faith in my toughness...as well as a multitude of other qualities...i mean let's look at the facts people...2+ fuckin years of my life taking shit for still 'liking' a girl that doesn't even...oh fuck explaination...my point is clear...watching as she continues to make irrational and most would say bad decisions concerning her life, trying to help (even though it may be a lost cause)...yeah...that's not tough at all (sarcasm runs rampant thru my words)...apparently she thinks tough is wanting to beat up people that she will runnoft (o brother...) with...don't doubt me when it's yourself you are not satisfied with...it would be sooooooo easy for you to have a simple life...but no...we like complications...we like altercations...we like drama...i say fuck that shit...i'm going to live my simple, pleasant life...and although i may complain (a lot)...i am quite satisfied with it...(except for the homework...i still see that as unnecessary...ha ha...shut up...that was hilarious.)

