

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-07 10:47 p.m.

spy vs spy

contraband has informed me of some of my intentions as well as other futuristic assumptions and current speculations...the mystery of it all is that they were given to both informants without the consultations of me, myself, and i...this leads to some erroneous information being passed as fact...but for most of what appears to be all of the conversation that i have intercepted by opening an e-mail addressed to my name seems to be somewhat true...i only take exception to the fact that my recon agent has spoken words of some such fasion to his target of spying...'he isn't for you if he doesn't change'...or other nonsensical terms...and while they may hold a grain of truth in the sea of conjecture...it deeply pained me to see that it was my friend that spoke it...and if it is what some may call 'truth'...it does indeed hurt...

