

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-06 9:48 p.m.

mission impossible (old school nes game theme)

it would appear that i have done only one of the things on my agenda...and have thus failed in my mission...my mission of course was to clear something up...or something of that nature...anyway...the point is...it didn't happen...probably never will...

on the plus side, i did cut down a tree today...and chopped it up...just like a lumberjack...

i am now seeing spidey-boy in a skirt...and he probably doesn't know it...interesting...

oh...i am updating from megane's computer...just because i ended up here on my quest...which as i have said...failed...although we did do quite a good job of attempting to stalk...but not in a really creepy way...just mildly...nevermind...

stopping seems like the best option.

