

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-05 10:05 a.m.


paranoia is my middle name.

here is a bit of food for thought written by someone on the other side of here...

'its not worth screwing up your current friends because new friends are jerkoffs. but on the other hand maybe your current friends and their new friends are out to get you, so maybe its better to have no friends at all. less chance to get hurt that way, right?'

i must say...there seems to be truth in't.

i go to kokomo again...laundry...a singular crazy mojo...japanese eyeglasses...screwing up royally...all these are among my agenda...yes...i actually have a plan of attack this time...but then again...i always have a plan...but never follow it...we'll see if i do this time...either way...should be interesting...

school isn't as hard as i make it out to be...if only i'd just study a bit...if only i did a lot of things...we'll try this thing you people call 'study' and see how it goes...

this seems like a nice playce (i think i'll spell it like that from now on) to end.

"There was a solemn man. Watched his twilight disappear. In the sand.

Altered by a falling eagle. A warning sign. Sign.

He sensed that worry could be strength with a plan he said, "Time for evacuation.""

