

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-04 11:51 a.m.

talk show host

"I want to, I want to be someone else or I'll explode

Floating upon the surface for

The birds, the birds, the birds

You want me, well fucking well come and find me

I'll be waiting with a gun and a pack of sandwiches

And nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing "

well...it seems that i didn't have to keep a gpa of 3.0 for this co-op business...so i might work after all...woo hoo...i guess i'll take it...with the extra money i'll buy me the jimmy page guitar i've always wanted...even though i still can't play like him...yet...

i guess my roommate isn't returning...oh well...

i find great entertainment in watching how other people react to situations...they all seem to be so normal when they do it...like the reaction is natural...i rarly just react how my body tells me to...if i did that...well...let's just say i'd probably be slapped a bit more often...


final thought -- no matter what happens...i can always count on my friends.

"You want me, well, come on and break the door down

You want me, fucking come on and break the door down

I'm ready,

I'm ready,

I'm ready,

I'm ready

I'm ready"

