

i am mine

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2002-03-28 9:44 a.m.

drawing flies

"Sitting here like uninvited company

Wallowing in my own obscenities

I share a cigarette with negativity

Sitting here like wet ashes with X's in my eyes

And drawing flies"

i think i'm dead and just imagining i'm still alive...

the chem exam tonight will suck...

the physics lab write-up i have to do after the exam will also suck...

the C program i have to do after the physics will also also suck...

if i had something better to do, i'd definitly stop this ridiculous college business...but i don't...i'm so boring...i hate school...blah blah blah...just put this on repeat for awhile...i wish summer would hurry up and show up...i just want something to change...me...you...it doesn't mean anything...so why even show up?

