

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-25 10:02 a.m.

everything zen

i know...i know...i've been slacking...but hey...what did you expect?

"We're so bored

You're to blame"

so...nothing has been goin on...i told my buddy accross the hall to call what's-her-name...that was quite entertaining...he was bored and wanted to do something...so me being me...i came up with a plan...he was supposed to call, say 'hey...be there'...and then go...but he called and said 'hey...can i come over?'...big mistake...you don't ask...you tell...not that i would know anything about this...but it would have worked better...because it just turned into a phone call after we had our little fun involving speaker-phone action and lies...

i get to go to wisconson this weekend...yay...i was planning on doing something crazy in my hometown...yes...i think i may have actually done something instead of just complain...but hey...i guess it can wait...

"There's no sex in your violence"

it is snowing...or was...we could go sledding...but we would need a partner...and we doesn't have one...do we...

well...the old man is still trying to get me a co-op...but i think i'm just gonna tell him the truth...'i don't want one...sorry'...yeah...sounds like a plan...

i saw a couple bands play friday...i swear i could do better...if only i had some other people who would go up there with me...we'll see what happens this summer...big plans...big plans...

"Try to see it once my way

Everything zen

Everything zen

I don't think so"

