

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-20 10:20 a.m.

tremor christ

"Winded is the sailor drifting by the storm.

Wounded is the organ he left all bloodied on the shore.

Gorgeous was his savior, sees her, drowning in his wake.

A-daily taste the salt of her tears but, a chance blamed fate."

it's one thing to be bored...and another to be boring...i fear i am both...i haven't done anything exciting since...well...that depends on your definition of exciting...school sucks...like always...but i think i might get by...

my roommate is still sleeping...he went to bed at 6pm...yes...that's right folks...and he used to make fun of me for going to bed early...ha...those were the good ol' days...coast thru school...see all my friends...no worries...ah...the good life...i live in the past too much...

looks like i'm not gonna do the co-op thingy...apparently no one wants me...that is just a general statement...eh...who can blame 'em (i can)...nobody likes an angry old man...the worst part is nobody hates an angry old man either...so that leads to a very dull existance...

we'll see if i change my mind about the world tomorrow...

