

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-18 2:19 p.m.

broken me

____Broken Me_____

i've got my razorblade wit

too bad it's dull

i've got my catlike grace

too bad i fall

i've got my rights

too bad i'm wrong

i've got my lyrics

too bad no song

i've got my brain

too bad it's insane

i've got my enemy

too bad no name

i've got my mouth

too bad it's shut

i've got my virginity

too bad i'm fucked


i've already changed my plan and it's only officially been in effect for one day...my new plan i stole from the other me that lives near evansville...it is to, and i quote, "wing it"....i've always found that the 'no plan' is the best plan...so basically i've decided not to make a decision...but then i've thought about making a decision....both ways..giving up...and the other one...the only problem with both of those is that they are dangerous...giving up means stomping my own heart...and the other one gives her the chance to do the stomping...

in other news, my roomy has had a bit of a run-in with the law...

in other insignificant news, i think i may have had too much friends during spring break, and now i think i may go thru withdrawl...this could get ugly...

sidenote--i don't willingly socialize with people...something has to force me to do it...i suck...i stare at the ceiling and think a lot...maybe too much...i don't think i can handle 'just friends'...i'm afraid of everything...i don't think my grades are good...that could be a problem...i'm already looking toward summer...even though i might not admit it to myself...i have big plans...big plans...

