

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-16 9:18 p.m.

thank you

"Little drops of rain whisper of the pain,

tears of loves lost in the days gone by."

spring break is over. almost. one more day. then i'm done with fun.

smash bros. melee is starting to grow on me...roy, jigglypuff (with green bandana), and pichu (with goggles)...all provided entertainment in the past few days...once at no-surprises...once at spidey-boy...

yes...we made it to spidey's college...and back...we almost got killed 4 times...("4 ha ha"--count from sesame street)...well...as for the actual experience...i must say it was different...we were ourselves, but strangers...we were the same, but changed...i saw glimpses of the past, as well as the future...and to finish it up...i slept on the floor...

well...i've come up with a plan...and i told her...the plan that is...we'll see if i go thru with it...i give myself a 50/50 chance...flip of the coin...roll of the dice...life tumbles out of my hands...

