

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-10 12:35 a.m.

hi, my name is...

apparently people think its funny to pretend to be someone else via a screenname...i tried to talk to this girl i used to know who went down to the southern cross with red mud...but apparently her new beau thought it would be funny to chat with me...fuck him...that's all i have to say about that...and now it appears it was just her?...what the hell...i'm as confused as i've ever been...i'll stop now...but this just proves that i am the most "paranoid cynical misanthrope" alive...i called myself that in the chatting...it appears she was just making a joke and my paranoia kicked in...oh well...

i don't know what is wrong...but there is definitly something...i'm snapping at people more than usual...just plain being mean...i don't know...bad things...bad things...i didn't used to be this bad...i can feel myself slipping...

well...there is much more of this spring break left...so i guess more stuff should happen...me and onecrazymojo are gonna try to get together to work on some songs...i'm gonna try to actually talk to aoryn (instead of making my snide comments)...

we'll see what happens...we always do.

