

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-06 10:38 a.m.

no way

"There's a token of my openness.

Of my need to not disappear.

How I'm feeling, so revealing to me.

I found my mind too clear.

I just need someone to be there for me.

I just want someone to be there for me."

i don't know why...but i'm feeling down...

i just signed up for my civil engineering classes for next semester...i don't know...at least i took a philosophy class as my elective...it's a depressing thing to know that whatever you do...you won't be happy...

i think i might go thru with it...spring break seems as good as time as any...it'll give me something to do...and should provide some entertainment...because i'm sick of being bored...and i'm sick of tormenting myself...we'll see if my resolve is steadfast...or i wither like a leaf...(i swear spidey has destroyed my analogy making process)

i have a physics exam tonight...it should be fun...i will fail...i will fail...

i think i'll go now...for i have nothing more to say...my mind shuts down sometimes...when it gets sick of thinking my thoughts...i don't blame it.

"I'm not trying to make a difference.

I'm not trying to make a difference. No way.

No way. No way.

Let's call in an angel.

Who's calling an angel?"

