

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-05 11:29 a.m.

all along the watchtower

"No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke"

well...that was interesting.

my old high school friend came to visit 'me' yesterday...but of course me being me...i didn't really have anything planned...so brad took charge and entertained my guests...and i faded away into the background...and this was all fine and dandy with me...but then he convinced her and her friend to spend the night...what the heck?...yeah...so she slept in his room...and the friend slept in mine...which i found to be quite wierd...and i told the friend that...and so i didn't get very much sleep...or sleep very comfortably...i finally let myself sleep at 4 and wore my jeans...i mean c'mon...no one wants to see me in my pajamas...especially someone who i don't really know all too well...yeah...so it was wierd...and i laughed to myself this morning...every girl who has come to 'visit andy at purdue' has ended up staying with brad most of the time...nevermind the fact that there have only been two...yeah...i just want to get away from this stupidness i call my life...maybe someday i'll learn to be satisfied with the way things are...but as of now...no...as the late owen hart once said..."enough is enough and its time for a change!"...by the by...there really should be a smirk smiley face on this instant messanger stuff...oh yeah...i'm still wearing my jeans...i didn't change yet...and i don't think i will...it's not like i have anyone to impress...

"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke."

