

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-04 5:51 p.m.


"Could have been easier on you

I couldn't change though I wanted to

Could have been easier by three

Our old friend fear and you and me"

i don't know what is going on anymore...i think i used to...but now things seem to be changing...and you know how paranoid i am about change...but i feel like i'm standing on the edge of a cliff...and wanting to jump rather than fall...

in other news, my pants are ruined...i blame my mother...i guess i'll have to buy new ones...but it is difficult to find a plain pair...i don't want any fading or x-tra pockets or anything like that...i just want a plain pair of jeans...wow...that was boring.

my friend accross the hall is depressed...and i knew it was going to happen...maybe i could have warned him...but i don't think he would'ov listened...and my other friend accross the hall (the crazy one) got into a scuffle with my roommate...so now they are on edge when the other is around...i remember how it used to be...in the beginning...everyone got along peachy...

now back to my original topic...i'm still unsure...i definitly liked elementary school better...you could tell if a girl liked you because her friends told you at recess...and little boys would punch the girls they liked in the arm...not that i did any of that...but i always was different (at least i like to think so)...oh well...just repeating my mantra...we'll see what happens...we always do...

"don't let the days go by"

