

i am mine

riot act

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2002-03-01 9:42 p.m.

push me pull me

"Get me outta here... If reality is what I see..."

well...i'm back in my parents humble abode...but i don't know what's gonna happen next...spidey is back in town...maybe i could do something with him and megane tomorrow...that would be nice...its been awhile since i had some merrymaking with friends...my soul aches to be refreshed...it seems that school has sapped all of my energy...

but then there was also that other thing...she tells me things that i want to believe...but she has told others some other things apparently...i'm just stunned at the fact that i am actually involved with something as soap-operatic as this...i'm sure i make too big a deal out of it...but i have to say something...otherwise i'll think my life is all physics and calculus...which it is...but when a bit o' love is involved it makes everything seem worthwhile...now who that bit o' love is or who its for is another question entirely...i think i spelled that wrong...oh well...i'm not a fan of spelling anyway...

have i mentioned i like this band?...i don't know if you know them or not...they are called something like mookie blaylock...yeah...like the basketball player...but i heard somewhere that they changed their name...to pearl jam...yeah...if you haven't heard them, check them out...they are really good...

(i'm hilarious.)

"So if there were no angels would there be no sin?

Huh, you better stop me before I begin."

i don't know what to do about the whole situation...(back on topic...THE topic it seems...well...at least i can count on that for something to write about...now i'm having spidey syndrome and typing a lot in the parenthesis...but unlike him...i don't really care)...yeah...she said she wanted to do something tomorrow...but i already told myself that i wasn't going to hurt the one who hurt me...by doing a similar thing...but now i'm tempted to find a 'loophole' in my logic...we all know that i like loopholes and technicalities...but i don't know...i just don't know anymore...i guess i should probably talk to somebody 'in the know' (preferably THE somebody)...just so i know what's goin on and don't jump to my own conclusions...which are usually right as we've seen in the past...but that's neither here nor there...so where is it?...exactly...i don't know...and i think i'll stick to that comment as long as i live...i don't know...it is safe...it is true...it is correct...i don't know...i may think i know...you may think i know...but i don't...i don't know...

"Like a cloud dropping rain I'm discarding all thought."

