

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-27 10:51 p.m.


"madness is the gift that has been given to me"

there was a hint of derision in his voice when he said it�but I�m sure it was unconsciously done��well, considering that most of my driving will be on 26 going over 80���we both knew what he was saying without him really saying it�(i win)�and I still think its funny that I think things are going on in my life when nothing is really happening�nothing at all�I have decided just to live a meaningless existence�my guitar string broke�the high E�I bent it too much�trying to express myself�my inner crying�I bent the note until I broke it�yes�that sounds right�so now I�m going to go to my parent�s house (not home anymore) and get replacement strings�I used to expect something when I went home�some sort of contact�but not anymore�even if she did (she�s taken over apparently�it seems all my entries are tainted with thoughts of her�it�s sad, really)�I wouldn�t do it�because I won�t contribute to the cause of her hurting my former friend�and we all know it is going to happen�no one escapes unscathed�and I haven�t even tried to escape�I think it�s because I don�t like playing the game�I know I�m a pawn�so I�ll just stay captured�off the board�taken by the queen�everyone on the board still thinks they are fighting the war�but I have realized it�s just a game�that was a quality analogy�a rarity among these parts�changing the subject, I think I�m going to fail my tests next week�again�alright�see you tomorrow�

