

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-22 12:04 p.m.

the telltale heart

me heart: you should freakin' go to kokomo now fool!

me brain: nah...it would be pointless...all that has to be said has already been said...

me heart: no...it wasn't face to face...you have to explain to her how you feel...

me brain: but i've never done that before...it seems to be dangerous...i don't like danger...i play it safe...you should too...

me heart: you're nothing but a coward...go home and tell her...then you can just go back to the way you were...but you have to do this...for me...i can't take much more...

me brain: i know you are hurting...but logic dictates that if i should go and do that then you will just hurt more...and besides, she'll be with brad the whole time...you've lost your chance...it is over...

me heart: nothing is over...just gimme something to drink...

me brain: you always were the funny one...but no...but maybe...we'll see how it goes...we always do...

me heart: you need to make a decision...listen to spidey...make a decision...

me brain: i will...i just need a bit o' time...

me heart: it's been like 2 years!...make yourself up...

me brain: i plan to...i plan to...

me heart: just tell her...then you can rest...and go back to thinking about physics...

me brain: ...you have a point there...

me heart: are you actually gonna do it?

me brain: that depends...that all depends...

me heart: on what?

me brain: ..........

me heart: .........

