

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-18 4:29 p.m.


"my eyes saw you kissing

but it wasn't me

my eyes saw you kissing

a guy that wasn't a freak

chorus: love, love, love pains me

now i know we're not together

can't we even try?

'cause it was me you were kissing

in the mind behind the eye

love, love, love pains me"

i love that song...from the lyrics to the heavy chorus to the guitar solo to the ending...the way he sings it...he doesn't sing...he just mumbles...even the chorus...he just mumbles louder...but you don't even need to hear the words to feel what he says...it's all in that last line of the last verse...at least that's what i think...and that's what really matters...

as you can probably tell...my anger has passed...and even though she told me otherwise...i think it's over...at least a page has turned...

i don't know why...but i'm calm now...after spending all my energy in stupidditty this week...i'm calm...i can tolerate people again...but i know i'll just build it back up...until the floodgates open again...but in an attempt to stop that from happening...my plan is to be more open...not my usual 'apathetic' self...

i wonder if i can pull it off...all of this...school...life...all of it...

oh...and i know the author of that song personally...if you want to talk to him, you can just talk to me...

