

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-14 7:25 p.m.

soldier of love

today is valentine's day....a day our world has supposedly given to recognize a saint...a person who helped people...but it has changed...into one of the worst holidays imaginable...society has morphed it into a commercial phenomenon where the people who are unlucky enough to be in a relationship at the time are taken advantage of (more than they already are in the relationship) and are forced to buy gifts for their significant other in order to prove how much they 'love' the other person...nevermind that this trading of gifts has nothing to do with 'love'...but the fact that we as a people embrace it and actually think of it as being 'romantic' is sickening to say the least...it is times like these that i look back and realize i never had a 'valentine'...and do i want one?...not really...i wouldn't want a person to give me gifts that someone else told them to get to show how they felt...i would rather they tell me...straight up...no secrets...no lies...that is what valentine's day represents to 'us'...the only normal people left on earth...well...that's how my brain thinks of valentine's day...my heart on the other hand...that is a totally different story...its bleeding...constantly of course...but this time of year it seems to be worse...losing more and more...every year...only bad things seem to happen during this time...and my heart screams in pain at the very thought of something better...its funny...the heart is the only muscle that hurts when it is NOT being used...

"Lay down your arms and surrender to me.

Lay down your arms and love me peacefully. Yea.

Use your arms to hold me tight. Baby I don't wanna fight no more. (x2)

Oh baby, lay down your arms. (x7)

Please baby lay down your arms."

