

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-13 8:23 a.m.

know your enemy

"I've got no patience now

So sick of complacence now

I've got no patience now

So sick of complacence now

Sick of sick of sick of sick of you

Time has come to pay...

Know your enemy!"


that was a nice joke of an entry yesterday...although i did believe it at the time...

depression hit like a ton a bricks...its good to be home...

*explicit material ahead*

fuck every single person in this fucking world...just fuck 'em...obviously me and my friends (again...i'm talking about the real ones) are imaginary...so that doesn't apply to us...it applies to all of my fake friends who just use me to get whatever the fuck is they want from me and then throw me away like a freshly used condom...fuck you...i hate you...all of you...every single person in the entire world...i hate you...know i know how aurthur felt...or as close to that as one can get...i don't understand it...i thought there was honor among friends...i understand brad had little to do with the matter besides talking to her behind my back (literally)...but i mean c'mon guys...we all know that when a friend likes a girl...you back the fuck off...even if he will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER act on these feelings...you back the fuck off...when spidey said he liked a certain girl, or even when he hinted to it...what did i do?...did i try to act friendly toward her?...fuck no...in every single instance, i made myself out to be a jackass to try and help my FRIEND, because that is what friends do...i knew 6 months wasn't long enough to get to know someone...i knew it..."i'll get her in 2 weeks"...i thought he was joking...what can i say...the man does stick to what he says...oh...and i forgot to mention that right after i decided to duck and run...vic defended me while brad looked for excuses...again...i understand he didn't do much of anything and my real anger is directed at someone whom i used to know...yeah...i always should have known that the only one i could trust was the crazy one...

excuse the immature words above...but i have the social brain of a 10 year old...

once again i would just like to leave you with a final thought:


thank you, come again.

