

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-09 10:01 p.m.


Given: Females like confident males.

Prove: The world is out to get me.


We are given that females like confident males. It is common knowledge that these confident males will ask females to be their mates. Another common fact is that confident males are assholes. These confident males make their females feel bad by being the assholes that they are. These hurt females then turn to the opposite end of the spectrum for males, that being the insecure male. This insecure male then makes the female feel better about herself, thus making her confident. She will then like this insecure male, and thus the insecure male thinks that the female actually loves him, when in fact she just likes the way he makes her feel about herself. The newly confident female will then turn on the insecure male, wanting a confident male, seeing the insecure male as inferior (otherwise known as �her friend�). She will rid the insecure male of his already low self esteem, thus leaving him being more insecure than when she met him.

FACT: I am an insecure male.

FACT: I am led to believe a female likes me.

FACT: I will fall victim to this vicious cycle...again.

With this evidence, it is clear that the world is out to get me...and with this knowledge I should be able to stop it before I am left again...but the only way I can see doing that is to actually become a confident male...but by this proof, it is clear that I should hate confident males...and then we throw in the fact that I already hate myself...which should in turn mean that I am one cocky motherfucker... and so I now curse my very existence.

"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

Withering my intuition leaving all these opportunities behind.

Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line.

Reaching out to embrace the random.

Reaching out to embrace whatever may come."

