

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-08 11:54 p.m.


i was the driver...some would say the chauffeur...so i drove...and there was actually another person in the car (minivan...whatever)...so when i talked to myself...someone else was there to hear it...and i helped that person get their ear mutilated...i offered to do it for free...but they declined...probably something to do with a pointy stick being unsanitary...i stuck it to the man by getting free drinks at mcDiner...but i still tried to get water (and failed...somehow)...the short hair was very easy on the eyes...maybe even moreso than the old hair...on the downside, i could be the most paranoid human living.

i was the coatrack...so i held a coat...as she (as you may have guessed by now) purchased items with my dinero...but i insisted...i'm not sure why...but it seemed like the 'right' thing to do...

i was the clock...so i kept time...and brought her home early like a good little boy...needless to say i was disappointed in myself...after all...a rock and roll star can't be a good little boy...

"What's a boy to do?

Just be a darling and I will be too, faithfull to you."

