

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-03 12:07 p.m.

fade to black

"I have lost the will to live

Simply nothing more to give"

i woke up today and realized i'm wasting my life away doing things that i don't want to do...and i have nothing better to do...

i spent most of yesterday with the guys accross the hall...since my roommate is gone...and then they left...so it was just me in their room...for about 2 and a half hours...so i just played my videogames...watching my computer screen...waiting to continue the conversation...but no such luck (bad or good i cannot say)...i still have homework that needs to be done...but it doesn't look like i'll get to it anytime soon...not because i'm busy with anything else, but because...just because...

i feel like i'm losing them...one by one...one has forgotten...another has given up...there is only a few left...only a few...and even they begin to slip away...

"Growing darkness taking dawn

I was me, but now He's gone"

