

i am mine

riot act

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2002-02-01 3:09 p.m.

the patient

last week sometime i wrote something in my planner for today.

but today has changed...

i might have gotten 50% on my chem exam today...yes thats right...we had an exam instead of lecture...that is terrible...and i turned in my housing form...i don't think i'll get what i want...but it doesn't help that i didn't put 'single' on my paper...oh well...we'll see how that turns out...

last year during one of the chem lectures (when santa was my prof.)...he said something..."whoever told you absense makes the heart grow fonder was stupid."...and of course he was right...like he always seemed to be...although again, he was talking about chemistry...well...i guess you could call it that...

my weekend seems like its gonna be worse than my week...my tv broke a couple of days ago (the second one in as many semesters)...so i can't play much videogames...and seth and travis will be gone...so there goes the dungeons and dragons...so the only thing left for me to do is homework...and i guess i'll do it since i have nothing else to do...and i hate just sitting...i guess i could play a bit of guitar... i guess i guess too much...

"A groan of tedium escapes me,

Startling the fearful.

Is this a test? It has to be,

Otherwise I can't go on.

Draining patience, drain vitality.

This paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old."

