

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-30 1:10 a.m.


"Fuck you!

I'm fed up with you!

I'm not as good as you?

Fuck no, I'm better than you!"

yeah...once again i let my life slip through my hands...i let people walk all over me...i just sit back and take it...this has warped my fragile little mind into something...how do i say this?...evil?...i guess you could call it that...this has led to some musical tastes changing...i used to listen to classic stuff...grunge....now i have gotten into darker stuff...like korn, NIN, and tool...i used to hate those bands...because i didn't understand...now i do...now i do...

but i still drift along...not caring what happens...not really...i know nothing good will come of it...pessimistic?...i don't think so...i like to call it realistic...

