

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-28 2:36 p.m.


"i hope you get this message, o you're not home...

i could be there in 10 minutes or so.."

i am ruined...

i didn't do my physics homework...but that is only part of the problem...the rest is something else...something...i can't quite pinpoint...but its there...something is not right...i am sick...both physically and otherwise...my throat is raw from coughing (good thing i have my artificially flavored strawberry soda to sooth it)...my head hurts...but i don't know if that is from the physical problems or the mental ones...

ok...its painfully obvious that things are not going as i would like...its probably my fault...as it always is (or isn't...depending on who you ask)...i can't think that in a week you can't type something...i'm tired...i hate my roommate...no...i don't...i just dislike his habits...all of them...who's idea was it for me to room with him?...oh...right...it was mine...but that was long ago...and you should have stopped me...yes you...not me...you...or is you me?...are you me?...i don't know anymore...i'm fading away...getting transparent...invisible...i hate being sick...and i'm not even sick sick...just sick enough that i don't feel like doing anything...but still doing it...that is a surprisingly detailed statement...i should erase all the other crap and just leave that...i just want to go lay in a field and...sleep...

