

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-26 11:50 p.m.

words out of place

"i'm lost and i can't go back"

i can't believe how many people change...and how i can't stop it...no matter how hard i try...i'm just not gonna change...i'm gonna live the high school yearbook message...i will never change...and i'm not talking about...hell...i don't know what i'm talkin about...i'm just sayin that if you felt comfortable just sittin in the same room with a person and not saying nothing a couple years ago...you should still feel comfortable a couple years later...

and the silent treatment isn't working...aw...who am i kidding (not me)...

i moved my sister today...she has officially grown up (not really)...and her boyfriend (the shifty bastard...but i guess he's ok) has stayed here for the past two nights...what?...do people do that?...is that legal?...are my parents mental?...i would never let that happen in my house...i would just say something to the effect of 'listen son...you can't sleep here unless you are dead.'...if i ever had children (fat chance)...they would grow up to hate me (everyone does anyway)...

my hands hurt (from moving my sister)...whiny brat, go home to mama...oh wait...i am home...

we'll see how tomorrow treats me...or how i treat it...either way...

