

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-25 2:23 p.m.

sometimes i feel like a motherless child


i'm like time, i come and go

i'm like a splinter when you stub your toe

i'm like wine, i have nice legs

i'm like a wizard when you need a sage


i am going back to kokomo today...to help my sister move into her apartment...it should be a nice rest from this frightful duldrum of schooly...and maybe i can have a snippet of fun while i'm at my holiday...

___DRONE (worker bee)___

(chorus) as i work on my future,

i find i have nothing to live for

as i work toward my goal

i find it is not my dream

(verse 1) i'm miserable as can be

doing work for them for free

it's futile to resist

i penned my name to the list

(verse 2) in my deep thought

i dream of running away

turn in the books i bought

there is no reason to stay

(verse 3) my lack of will astounds me

my laughter absent glee

i dream of becoming a star

but it's a light i cannot see


i have another one of these little poems...but should i post it?...well...the question isn't if i should...because i should...that is clear...because this is my diary...and if it were my diary (which i just stated as fact)...then i would post it...but what if it offends?...my response...who cares?

___RUM + COKE___

drink your beauty away

let if fall from your mouth

i have a place for you to stay

if you don't mind the south


drink my love away

let if fall from my heart

see it from my way

sweetness turned tart


drink my mind away

let it fall from my ear

let lie what lay

and nevermind the fear


yeah...thats all i got in my little blue ringed notebook thingy i got...as of now that is...i usually put in more and more everyday...but none of it is good...i mean, i think it has its moments...usually a line or two...but the rest is just filler...oh well...its still better than the pop stuff on radio...right? (no)...right? (no)...ok...i guess you're right...it's not.

i turned in my resume...on time it seems...i hope this all works out...all of it...not just the work thing...but all of it...

do you think this entry was a bit long? (yes)...ok...just checking...

