

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-22 2:20 p.m.

blow up the outside world

"Someone tried to tell me something

Don't let the world bring you down

Nothing will do me in before I do myself

So save it for your own and the ones you can help"

its nice when you fancy yourself getting hit by a car...

i have yet to complete my resume... guess i shan't.

i wonder how things will end...

i went to bed around 2am...was awake at 7am...and never really made it back to that slumberland i love so much...but i did do something with the extra time...some homework...anyway...i would like to blame my lack of sleep on my roommate as i normally do...but i honestly can't say that he was the sole cause of my interrupted dreams...my mind was floundering all over the place...yet fixed in one position...a constant question embedded itself in my brain...what if?...its a horrible question and i regret typing it here, less by some chance someone else might have my fate...to wonder what if...

