

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-20 4:02 p.m.


"Yesterday the sky was you

And I still feel the same"

i know its early...but in the short time i've been awake, i've already done some stoopid things...i won't go into detail, because it was really dumb...ok...i guess i will...i called her when she 'told' me to...but i guess i didn't think and i called her when i was just about to go get my laundry from the dryer...and we all know that you can't leave your clothes in the dryer for over 5 minutes...otherwise the big football players who live here will take it out and throw it somewhere...so i cut our conversations short...but i wasn't even prepared to talk to her for that short time...i must have sounded like a jackass...or moreso of one than usual...i just can't seem to do anything right...and she also brought up the other mistake i have committed...she asked 'where are you?'...and i guess at that moment i knew i should have been in kokomo so i could at least propose to do something...but my foolish self is at purdue...because i figured i didn't want to go home every weekend...but that was before i was doing stuff...nevermind...yeah...i feel like i'm drowning...and the more i thrash around and fight it...the deeper i go...

"Nothing left for me to do

And I still feel the same"

