

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-19 7:09 p.m.

pry, to

"P-R-I-V-A-C-Y is priceless to me"

i was woken by two people i used to know...they were from kokomo...they woke me up and said they were going to come up to my room...i responded with "i don't have any pants on"...after some rigorous videogaming...they left...then i went to this room...the room accross the hall...the room where i spend most of my time...i don't know...i guess it makes me feel like i'm out and about...doing some socializing...without really doing it...

i didn't turn in my resume for this co-op business...it was 'due' friday...oh well...maybe now i'll get to do what i want to do...nah...

i could now go into an extended review of my current mental state about a girl...so i will...i almost convinced myself (with a little help from my friends) that i should call her and for lack of a better term 'go for it'...but i talked myself out of it...again...it seems i'm in a constant state of this straddling the fence (like one of spidey's analogies)...i should make a decision and stick with it...but i won't...or maybe...

