

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-16 10:58 p.m.


"Life ain't what it's worth."

the best part of living is knowing you are going to die.

i don't know if anyone famous said that...but they should have...i'll take credit for it if you need someone to take the blame...

physics has consumed most of my time lately...i don't like math...or physics...or science...or anything that has to do with anything that is quasi-engineering...so why am i doing all this shit?...simple answer there...i'm too lazy to switch and do anything else...i know if i told my parents i didn't want to do this they would just argue and argue until i would snap and do something drastic...like taking a nap...or initiative...either way...the path with the least amount of resistance is the one i'm on...because the only resistance is me...and i can easily tell him to shut his mouth...

now onto the juicy details of my lovelife...there are none...as always...i think i might be able to put something together if i really tried...but as stated above...the easiest way is the way for me...at least that's how it's been for awhile now...that seems to be working...no it doesn't...no it doesn't

"Run away my son. See it all. Oh see the world."

