

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-12 12:06 a.m.

knockin on heaven's door

well...once again i find myself in kokomo...and once again i tell myself not to do it...so i don't...and no...i don't need to be kicked at all...

my teeth get drilled tomorrow...apparently some people can die from the stuff they give you...i can only hope...9am...woo hoo...should be a great day...then after that i get to do some physics homework online...another woo hoo...but maybe i'll get to see the new jack black movie...that looks hilarious...and i was thinking...nah...

i don't know what to do anymore...i really don't...i'm pretty sure i've tried everything...everything i'm willing to do anyway...i think i've been pretty clear...oh well...i guess life goes on...

"mama take this badge from me

i don't need it anymore

gettin dark...too dark to see

feels like i'm knockin on heaven's door"

