

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-09 10:07 p.m.

l.a. woman

"If they say I never loved you

You know they are a liar"

i just signed up for my co-op thingy...i think i'm going to go far away...or as far as i can...hopefully to california...because if i can't hang out with my friends, what is the point of being close?...plus my co-op counselor guy is a crazy old man...always a good thing...

i also just got done doing my physics homework...it sucked ass...i would have just said 'fuck it' and quit...but some really cool guys came into the lab at that moment and we all worked together and actually got the answers right...woo hoo...i hope i see them again next time...

she said she'd finish talking to me later...i think she meant it as much as she meant she would visit me...but both will never happen...at least i don't expect them to happen...hope for the best...expect the worst...

"Never saw a woman...

So alone, so alone"

