

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-12 11:18 p.m.

west side (story)

i didn't hear the door bell...that about covers it...

i don't think i heard anything...i just nodded and smiled at the right times...or what i thought to be the right times...me in my old man sweater (which is actually a woman's)...on the couch...that was good...playing chess on the floor...i'm not to sure about that...she kept talking about other guys...i didn't know what to say (you wouldn't have either...of course...you are me)...

now for the question i always pose to myself...did i accomplish anything?...the answer...as always...maybe...maybe one step forward, two steps back...that's how i operate (i don't)...

day in review: i saw orange county...it was very very good...the dentist didn't hurt me...i didn't have to do homework i thought i did...i got to spend some time with a girl...alone (kinda)...as cube says...today was a good day...or maybe...nah...

