

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-08 12:16 a.m.

red mosquito

i don't like flirts...they mess with people's feelings for their own self gratification...but i can't blame them...i do believe if i could do something to make someone think i'm great and make them love me i'd do it...

i've been depressed ever since new year's eve...just thought i'd state it explicitly...yeah...and

back at school...its ok...i don't like physics...its good to be away from kokomo and the people in it...at least for awhile...

tomorrow i sign my life away...officially anyway...wish me luck in my dealings with the devil (or as i like to call him, purdue)...

"I was bitten must have been the devil.

He was just paying me a little visit.

Reminding me of his presence.

And letting me know he's a-waiting."

