

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-05 9:54 p.m.

hotel california

"she has a lot of prettypretty boys that she calls friends"

i met a seductress yesterday...i already knew she was one...but apparently she needed a two piece dress to 'get in character'...and it's a shame i'm as dumb as i am...otherwise i would realize just how much stupid things i do...but that could be a good thing...ignorance is bliss...blissed and gone...i don't know why, but i don't have a lot of 'girl friends'...i wonder how she does it...oh yes...i remember...she's a seductress...(the last part is to be read as norm mcdonald would say it...its funnier that way)

"you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave"

now on to other things...such as my time here...and there...and how i can't get out of it...'its a good idea!~'...so they say...i for one don't want to join this co-op program where i would go far away and work for alternating semesters between shcooly...but who am i to say what goes on in my life...

back to my dorm tomorrow...i've probably seen a lot of people for the last time for a couple years at least...i think i'm going to dance away now...

"some dance to remember, some dance to forget"

