

i am mine

riot act

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2002-01-02 8:55 p.m.


"i can see i can see i'm going blind."

i went to buy a guitar today...and realized i didn't deserve one...while wandering around mars music in indy there were these amazing guys just ripping on their respective guitars...and so very different...one was a metal guy...in a closed room where you can play and not disturb people...he could be heard thruout the whole store...very nice...he'd play all these fast runs and tapping solos inbetween metallica/ozzy songs...very nice indeed...another was an acoustic genius...using percussion techniques that were just crazy...another acoustic guy was just groovin and playing some badass rythms...and there was an old bluesman...belting out some heartfelt melodies...yeah...i suck...so i didn't buy another guitar...plus they didn't have the ones i wanted...at least not the cheap ones i wanted...they did have the sunburst les paul that page used to use...

i bought 3 cds...one which i shunned earlier...and a couple greatest hits of some old fools...

i also must be going blind...because i see things that apparently aren't there...

i just don't know what to do anymore.

