

i am mine

riot act

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2001-12-27 11:40 p.m.

going to california

wisconson was cold...i stayed in the basement most of the time...as i always do...i reflected on my life...as i always do...and i came to the same conclusion that i always do...nothing.

my sister got me the pink floyd greatest hits album...its what you really need if you decide to go crazy...i thought i might need it just in case i wanted to...and i already identify with the songs...just a matter of time before i cross the line and go insane...or do what the world might consider to be insanity.

christmas was like it always is...a lot of screaming and yelling among family members...with me retreating to some cove of serenity...such as the basement...where i can listen to music without being disturbed by my belligerent family members...it seems they all look for a fight...and so do i...but not all the time.

i've been invited to join the co-op program at purdue...if i do decide to join (which my family has already decided to do) i won't have time off for school in the next 4 and a half years...oh joy...now i won't see my friends...ever...again...that is not without a bit of effort on my part...but since when do i have effort?

"Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams,

Telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems. "

