

i am mine

riot act

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2001-12-22 11:58 p.m.

this is a neil young song...this one's for neil...

it appears that everyone is taking a vacation...me on the other hand (specific use of incorrect english)...what am i doing?...fretting over nonsense...in both the musical sense and the worrying one...i made a 'demo' of me and my guitar...just me and my guitar...playing my songs...well...some of them...the guitar is ok...but me on vocals?...you know its crap...although i did put in a good effort...at least i think so...i mean...its not totally painful to listen to...and i even put in my cover of 'keep on rockin in the free world'...complete with my feeble attempt at a guitar solo...anyway...the tape isn't supposed to be good anyway...just to get some ideas down...so i don't forget...which i am prone to do...

moving onto other specifically unspecific details of my life...i was thinking about buying christmas presents for them...but then i caught myself in my weakness and scolded myself for being foolish...after all...one would not expect ME to GIVE anything...so i figure i don't have to...unless i have to...which i don't...

oh...i forgot to update when i acted like a complete fool on thursday...but you (me) don't want to hear about that...do you?...

"thats one more kid, that'll never go to school,

never get to fall in love, never get to be cool"

