

i am mine

riot act

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2001-12-20 12:16 a.m.

over the hills and far away

after watching the 8 o� clock showing of the lord of the rings, i was sad...not because of the movie...but because humanity will never be as good as it could be...boromir, for instance, kept fighting...protecting...with three arrows shot in his chest...and then there is me...who quits an activity after just a minor uncomfort...it makes me feel i should be a better person...and that i never will...i do believe that is why i befriended the crazy one...because he actually tries to be this chivalrous knight...a green one as he says...he even did it before the movie..waiting until the movie actually started before he took his seat...he was waiting for me and another member of the b-squad...and where was i?...comfortably seated in my seat because i was too lazy to wait...in other words...your common thief...stealing a seat before the others got there...only looking out for himself...oh well...if there is anything i learned by playing dungeons and dragons, its that every party needs a rogue...i guess i�m it...

"I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold. "

