

i am mine

riot act

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2001-12-17 11:58 p.m.

just a little history repeating itself

its not the same anymore...little differences set it apart...its still fun...but not the same...i have yet to decide whether change is good or not...but in my past experiences, change is bad...i hope history doesn't repeat itself as it usually does...

i had the chance...but i declined...i thought it would be too odd...which it would have been...so i think i made the right choice...which i always do...not make the right choice...but think i do...

family is nice...until they start to yell...and make you do things you don't want to...so i guess the actual family is not...just the idea of a family...

as of today, i've decided to be a civil engineer and when i graduate become a regular construction worker...that way i can whistle at girls, work outside, and not have to think...i got the idea from 'office space' and a crazy person...all things considered...i think it will work...

