

i am mine

riot act

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2001-12-13 11:47 p.m.

the who

so...i made it home...now what?

i guess i�m supposed to relax and have some fun...but i think i might have forgotten how to do that...the months i�ve been at college have conditioned me to stay on guard at all times...even while sleeping (hey...my roommate threatened to do some bad things to me)

bingo bango.

man...i hate growing up...i wish i could just be a high school senior forever...but then again...i want to be older...and to get older...i guess you have to grow...dammit.

i am now an owner of the ghostbusters dvd.

my laser mouse glows red.

why have an online diary if you are going to lock it?...why then not just have a real diary?...it�s only common sense...if you put a diary online...you want people to read it...otherwise...don�t put it online...is it TOO simple for people to understand?

i think it is terrible that i find ways to fill this diaryland thingy with crap everyday...or close to everyday...maybe its because i don�t erase what i want to...but like i said...why have an online diary if you are going to censor yourself...FUCK THAT!...yeah...it took awhile...but i think i�m finally bringing closure to my high school days...including my infatuation with a certain black widow (for those of you who are slow, i�m referring to aoryn)...yeah...i think i can function normally in a college environment now...oh yes...i was also thinking i would take up drinking and smoking so i could die faster (before i get put into a home)...but then i saw the flaw in my logic...i hate throwing up...and i hate the smell of smoke...so i guess i�ll have to find some other way...

�hope i die before i get old�

