

i am mine

riot act

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2001-12-09 8:00 p.m.

ramble on

i didn't do much (surprise surprise)...but i did manage to match some music to some lyrics...that's always fulfilling...and then i watched behind the music on some bands including green day and blind mellon...

i think i think i know...but i don't.

i don't want to grow up...but i fear that is actually happening...i'm not having fun anymore...and from what i can tell...thats what adults do...not have fun...

so...i decided that my junior year i would actually try and find a girlfriend...we'll see how that goes...until then...it'll just be the same ol' same ol'...not expecting anything...that seems to be the safe route...i like safe routes...

soundgarden...now there is a band (on my college radio right now)...not this mtv crap that passes for 'bands'...like nsync/o-town...they aren't a band...they shouldn't even be termed boy bands...because they aren't a band...damn i hate society right now...in fact...i think i'll go lock myself in my room and listen to real bands...to stick it to society...i'll deprive them of their daily dose of me...not like they want it...but still...its the principle of the thing...

i'm feeling i'm feeling like i'm not feeling...which has become normal...i don't think that is healthy...it's certainly not productive...

i think i'll leave you(me) alone now...

"Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was on my way."

