

i am mine

riot act

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2001-12-03 1:38 p.m.


"Well, I've been afraid of changing cause I've

Built my life around you

Time makes you bolder

Even children get older

And I'm getting older, too

I'm getting older, too"

everyone seems to be changing...its only been like 5 months...and they are already changing...growing older...maturing (i guess)...but it seems i'm also changing...no matter how i fight it...i am...i've always had my place as a loner...i liked it there...but now that i am alone...its not as fun as i hoped it would be...so i find myself talking to strangers...i don't even know names to fit with the faces...and i just start talking...and they actually seem interested...and then i catch myself...and stop...i know why i sit in my room...because i don't want to meet any new people...i don't want to lessen my friendship with any of my old friends by making new friends...but i'm starting to learn it doesn't work that way...you can't lessen the old friendships...and you need the new ones to get you thru...i guess i am actually learning something at purdue...who would'ov thunk it...certainly not i...but i'm still looking forward to winter break...but as garth said...i have to "live in the now!"...alright...maybe someday i will heed his advice...

