

i am mine

riot act

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2001-12-02 2:06 p.m.


well...we're alone in our thoughts again...we used to have a visitor, but she found her happy thoughts...and i found my pride...

by the by...if you're gonna stab me...i would prefer the front rather than the back...

so...where do we go from here?...

last night my engr106 group member named dan was laughing at me because i told him i was going to work at burger king...he was laughing at the fact that i was going thru one of the best engineering programs anywhere and i wasn't even gonna use it...i must admit...it does sound quite funny...oh well...

well...i am glad that i will be done with the first semester of this junk in a few days...maybe i will actually be able to relax and have some fun when i get back home...maybe...maybe...

"Pink ribbon scars

That never forget

I tried so hard

To cleanse these regrets

My angel wings

Were bruised and restrained

My belly stings"

