

i am mine

riot act

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2001-11-27 8:53 p.m.

hey man...nice shot.

"You'd fight and you were right

But they were just too strong

They'd stick it in your face

And let you smell what they consider wrong

That's why I say hey man, nice shot

What a good shot man"

i just failed a chem test today...or i should say tonight...it gets dark way too early for my taste...it seems i wake up in the dark...and then after lunch...it gets dark...oh well...i don't mind...it just fuels the fire of imagination...i can now pretend i'm a ninja or some special agent that hides in the shadows...batman perhaps?...i've always liked the character...although i think he should be darker...i don't read the comics...so i don't know...

i'm at a standstill with myself...at a crossroads...the question is what to do..."should i stay or should i go now?"...as the mighty Clash might say...but hey...we'll see what happens...we always do...

