

i am mine

riot act

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2001-11-26 9:01 p.m.


i know...too soon for another go...but i guess i'm making up for lost time...

i find it funny how little things set me off...somebody could just walk right up to me, call me a' pansy', and kick me in the groin...and i wouldn't be mad...but somebody could walk up to me, and say something like 'hey'...and i could be furious for days...

well...doing the digging that i do, i've found a little thing...but i certainly don't think so...so i will stir in my stew of animosity until my head explodes from wishful thinking...i can't believe it...i've just realized what i've done...i can't believe it...a clenched fist goes a long way...simmer in my stew...simmer in my stew...i'm surprised my brain can take this abuse...the bad thing about not changing (and everyone knows i don't change) is that you don't learn from past mistakes...

"Abuse my love a thousand times, however hard I tried.

Heartbreaker, your time has come, can't take your evil way;

Go away, Heartbreaker. "

(if only i could post the actual song...the solo is really what contains my feelings)

