

i am mine

riot act

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2001-11-26 12:09 p.m.

running knees

"blood runs from raining eyes"

driving around with onecrazymojo...playing the cube of game with no-surprises and megane...spidey-boy becoming a criminal...becca37 brought a friend...the first was forgotten...the second never showed...nabisco made comments...pearl-jam was growing old...eating floods of food...shifty was his name...my sister brought him...oma and opa always the same...jimmy eat world took my money and gave me song...the smashing pumpkins hits greatest...the baby was like a football...that's about all...

that was my thanksgiving break...hope you enjoyed it as much as my mom did...

our room doesn't stink anymore (but travis still lives there)...i didn't bring the ps2 back to college...i hope that lets me sleep more and more...

is it wrong that i actually want to grow up to do nothing?

