

i am mine

riot act

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2001-11-11 8:46 p.m.

present tense

"Do you see the way that tree bends? Does it inspire?

Leaning out to catch the sun's rays. A lesson to be applied."

i have this friend from high school...i've been in her classes since 6th grade...she plays videogames and even has a ps2...in my mind i've flirted with the idea of becoming more than friends, but i came to my senses and realized that you shouldn't mess with a good thing (this was proven when she herself tried with another friend)...plus, she is a really good friend...and i don't have many of those...

she was in cahoots with spidey-boy and they ambushed me this weekend...and she brought friends...so, in total, 6 people slept (or tried to) in my dorm room (kids, don't try this at home)...it was very cramped, but it was fun...i even got a cupcake...woo hoo...plus i can brag to all my college buddies (the two accross the hall) that i had a woman spend the night in my bed! (i'll leave out the part that i wasn't in it.)

by the way, do not eat 4 packs of sour straws and call it your dinner...your stomach will hate you for it...and make you suffer while you are supposed to be entertaining your company...

i only have one sweatshirt...and its getting cold...i hope no one minds the smell...my dorm room smells funny...but you get used to it...i slept until 6pm today...i know...scary...but i guess i'm actually starting to live like a college student..."it makes much more sense to live in the present tense"...

